jueves, 28 de enero de 2010

redes inalambricas

The wireless networks(nets) (in English wireless network) are those who communicate for a not holding a permit conduit (without cables) by means of electromagnetic waves. The transmission and the receipt are realized across antennas. They take advantages as the rapid installation of the network(net) without the need to use wired up, allow the mobility and have fewer costs of maintenance than a conventional network(net). Other one of the advantages of wireless networks(nets) is the mobility. Wireless network(net) the users could connect to the existing networks(nets) and it is allowed to circulate freely. A user of mobile telephony can lead miles in the course(year) of the only(unique) conversation, because the telephone connects to the user across towers of the cell. Initially, the mobile telephony is expensive. Costs of his(her,your) restricted use [?Cuidado! El texto que desea traducir contiene demasiado caracteres. Por eso la traducción ha sido dividida.]
Accessibility: All the portable equipments(teams) and the majority of the mobile telephones of today come equipped with the technology Wi-Fi necessary to connect directly to a wireless LAN. The users can accede from sure form to his(her,your) resources of network(net) from any location inside his(her,your) area of coverage. Generally, the area of coverage is his(her,your) installation, though it is possible to extend to include more than one building. Mobility: The personnel can remain connected to the network(net) even when they are not in his(her,your) tables. The assistants(attendees) of a meeting can accede to documents and applications. The sellers can consult the network(net) to obtain important information from any location. Productivity: The access to the information and to the key applications of his(her,your) company helps [?Cuidado! El texto que desea traducir contiene demasiado caracteres. Por eso la traducción ha sido dividida.]
Advantages of the wireless networks(nets): * There do not exist physical cables (there are no cables that get entangled). * They are in the habit of being cheaper. * They allow great mobility inside the scope of the network(net) (the homeloving(domestic) wireless networks(nets) are in the habit of having up to 100 meters of the base transmisora). * They are in the habit of establishing easier. Disadvantages of the wireless networks(nets). * Still(Yet) there are no accurate studies on the dangerousness (or not) of the radiations used in the wireless networks(nets). * They can manage to be more insecure, since it(he,she) surrounds anyone it(he,she) might accede to the wireless network(net). Anyhow, the sufficient safety can join them as(like) in order that it is a difficult hackearlas.

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